Diamont's B&B debut: A hairy situation

First up, the great Michael Fairman just did an insightful interview with B&B's newest resident at his Web site. Check out that interview (including audio!) here.
Next, several soap blogs are abuzz over the surprising facial hair that Diamont's sporting with his new character. As his cheeks remained smooth for 23 years on Y&R as Brad Carlton, this new look is quite stunning for many Diamont watchers. One of those, in fact, is so anti-beard that they've started up a renegade site at BillJrMustShave.com, which chronicles in pictures and videos Don's good ol' days of being stubble-free. It's a fun site to reminisce on even if you don't agree with its premise...
...which I don't! Any longtime visitor of soaphunks.net knows that Diamont is my favorite soap hunk of all time, so I definitely have an opinion on this pressing issue. First of all, I can't blame Diamont for wanting to bring a new look to his new role, after being so closely associated with Brad Carlton for so long (on B&B's sister soap, no less). So there's that...but in my opinion, the beard looks GREAT on him! I'm generally not even a fan of facial hair on my soap hunks, but on Diamont, it just works. Sexy sexy sexy. So there! :)
May I suggest that if we really want to start a Web campaign to convince B&B to remove something from Diamont's body, that it be not his facial hair but instead his shirt? Y&R kept him clothed way too often towards the end, and make no mistake, Diamont still has an Adonis-level body. I just checked and BillJrMustStrip.com is available. Any takers?
Labels: bb, don diamont, michael fairman
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