Adonis 2006: Explain yourself!

Got links? The Adonis contest tends to spread like wildfire across soap boards all over the Net. Please let us all know the Web links to your site's discussion threads and fan base organizing. It will only help you spread the word! I will also be sharing my thoughts here as well as the weeks go by.
Don't forget to visit the video chat room for LIVE results shows this year, each Wednesday night at 10pm EST/7pm PST.
See you there, and happy voting!
I voted for Steve Burton. I just think it says something that the man hasn't gone shirtless in over a year (1/05) & still is consistently chosen as the sexiest man on GH on the message board I post at. Those eyes, those tee shirts, those jeans and of course those guns. Love his arms.
Love me some Steve Burton.
I voted for Justin Bruening. The simple fact that he and Colin Egglesfield have the hottest SEXXX chemistry between two guys in daytime is reason enough for them both to win Adonis 2006!
Steve! I voted for him, because even though we never see him shirtless, his mega-tight shirts make up for it, partially at least, LOL.
I have moral objections to voting for Steve Burton since he never takes off his shirt!! Give me Bruening or Sabato or Roerig anyday!! ;)
I voted for Steve Burton he commands every scene he is in. He is just mesmerizing. Like I said when I voted, I just love the strong silent types.
I voted for John-Paul Lavoisier. Even if he is not shirtless very often, he is so sexxxxxy! He has always sex appeal in every scene he's in. He is very charming. His face is incredibly attractive, his abs are so great. Fabulous arms, wonderful eyes. He is the best one. Please, help me and support him.
I voted for Steve Burton. I remember him from "Out of This World" lol. Also, he's drop dead sexy and he's got MORALS. What more could a girl ask for?
GRAYSON! He is a GREAT actor, a real MAN and also he is funny, sweet and cute! I LOVE HIM!
Grayson McCouch. No other man on daytime compares to Grayson. He's got it all and then some.
Where is Thorsten Kaye?!?! What an oversight to leave him out of the competition... :(
I voted for Eric gotta love a guy that is hott and adores his fans!
I voted Eric Martsolf! He is the hottest man on daytime! He looks great in anything, or nothing at all. He is also so good to his fans! He's the best!
I voted for Eric Martsolf!! He's so hot and is really good to his fans!!
I voted for Aiden Turner because he just seems like the sweetest person in real life. I don't care what Zendall fans say Aidan is Kendall's TRUE love.
I also love/Like Steve Burton, He is such a good actor and I like the fact that he di the voice of Cloud Strife in Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy 7 Advents Children.
I voted for Dylan Fergus this week!!!! He and Emily Harper are so HOT on Passions!!
I voted for Colin Egglesfield (Josh Madden of AMC). He is so hot on and off the show. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a soap even this month and he was the nicest, sweetest guy. So, good or bad, I just think he is the hottest!!!
For the Wild Card,I was torn between Thad Luckinibll,Grayson McCrouch,and Mark Collier. I voted for Thad Luckinbill,mainly because he's closest any of us can get to Brad Pitt! LOL!
Steve Burton all day!!! He doesn't need to take off his shirt, and I respect him for it. He sticks to his morals and keeps his beliefs and family in check first. He has a very lucky wife and children. He is awesome. I have loved on Steve for years now and I don't see that changing no matter who the newbie is.
Steve knows how to deliver all the depths of his character and keep his morals in tact. I don't know how he does it, but he is incredible. Always gonna Love STEVE BURTON, no one deserves this honor more, NO ONE.
I had to vote for my hunk Eric Martsolf. He is not only an amazing actor and completely hot, but he is really devoted to his fans as well. He's just perfect and I hope he wins!
Grayson McCouch, no one else even comes close.
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Steve Burton is really hot so I have to vote for him.
It was a toss up between Aiden Turner on AMC and Greg Vaughan on GH. Aiden is sooooo hot, but, Greg is gorgeous. He, hands down, deserves to win Adonis 2006!!!!
Steve Burton is the hottest guy anywhere right now. I get home early in the afternoon just to see him on GH.
JASON THOMPSON, hands down. no one compares.
I'm voting for Eric Martsolf! He definitely is the hottest guy in daytime TV right now - maybe ever!!
I'am voting for Eric Martsolf because he is so hot and he can act plus he's alway's got his shirt off and I love those blue eyes there gorgeous he is the hottest in daytime.
I would and have voted numerous times for Justin Bruening. The fact is no one in all of daytime even comes close to the total package, like he does! And since he started hooking up on screen wiht nurse Julia, whoo, boy, they make one HOTT couple, and I am jealous!!! I don't wanna get to graphic here, but anyone who agrees with me, can guess what I wish I could be doing...naughty, aren't I?
I vote for Grayson because he is the most sexiest one and a great actor
I voted for Grayson b/c he is the best Go Grayson
I am voting for Eric Martsolf a lot!!! He so deserves it!! His eyes and his body make me say OMG!!!
Ladies, I'm disappointed. How could we let Greg Vaughan get voted off?? The only gorgeous hunk left is Aiden Turner from AMC and we can't let him slip away.
I of course voted for STEVE BURTON (more than once) because ever since I first saw his sexy hunk body and face 5 years ago on General Hospital, I've become addicted to the soap and HIM! And to all those undecideds out there- vote for him because his shirtless curse has been LIFTED and he looked ripped as ever! (I'm also very glad he got shirtless with Elizabeth: Liason-best couple ever!) So vote for Steve and make him ADONIS because he enbodies the word!!!
I'm voting for Eric Martsolf!! He's perfection in my book!!
I voted for Steve Burton, shirt or no shirt, it really doesn't matter because he is amazing to look at. I also respect the fact that he doesn't like to take his shirt off no matter how easy it is on our eyes!!!!
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